速報APP / 醫療 / ABCs of Medical Management of Stones

ABCs of Medical Management of Stones



檔案大小:139.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


ABCs of Medical Management of Stones(圖1)-速報App

The ABCs of Medical Management of Stones App is an interactive tool designed to help simplify the complexities of managing kidney stone disease. Using a simple, step-by-step approach for the diagnosis and prevention of nephrolithiasis, the App guides you through patient screening and evaluation and provides treatment recommendations based on the consensus of the expert physician authors.

The App is also a handy reference tool when you need to look up information about dietary aberrations, stone-provoking medications, stone types, causes of urinary abnormalities, and more.

Download the ABCs of Medical Management of Stones App now for expert insight into the treatment and prevention of recurrent kidney stone formation.


Margaret S. Pearle, MD

ABCs of Medical Management of Stones(圖2)-速報App

Glenn M. Preminger, MD

David S. Goldfarb, MD

Donald P. Griffith, MD


Charles Y.C. Pak, MD

ABCs of Medical Management of Stones(圖3)-速報App

All proceeds will be used for urology research and education. Supported by Mission Pharmacal Company.
